Best-practices methodologies for cost estimation

Cost estimation is one of the most challenging tasks in the field of Software Engineering. To calculate and predict the total costs required for a project is challenging and it has a high impact on the project and budget planning.… Continue Reading


SWOT Analysis of an NHS Hospital

Introduction When companies make significant strategic decisions, one of the essential tools they use is the SWOT analysis, where the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are evaluated. Every project should be in line with the company’s vision statement, mission, goals,… Continue Reading


Cloud Adoption in Healthcare, England

Hi, an earnest request to all “NHS IT” people, if you have not already done, then please participate in this short survey for cloud adoption in healthcare. Survey Link: Cloud Adoption in Healthcare England #NHSuk #NHSEngland #NHSDigital #NHSImprovement #NHSX NHS NHS Trust NHS England NHS Improvement NHS Digital NHS Direct NHS… Continue Reading


Can Biometrics bring the much needed safety for the NHS?

Biometrics can bring the much-needed security to the NHS services. The major concern of NHS has been the protection of the patient’s data and staff. According to the NHS Confederation report of 2016, across the UK, every 36 hours NHS… Continue Reading


Social Media Obsession and Anxiety

Reaching the dissertation stage has made me research into several domains but all pertaining to IT. But recently a very interesting and unexplored domain sprung up and that’s social media obsession and anxiety. Many of you won’t read further as… Continue Reading


Is AI self-sufficient to perform operations?

“What if an author is a machine learning algorithm? Could a computer or a machine using AI be considered as an author, especially if the output is not predicted by the user or the programmer?” That’s a very interesting and… Continue Reading


Naruto and Slater’s case was a waste of time and resources?

Do you believe that in the case of Macaques vs Slater there was an “abuse of the concept of intellectual rights” and the whole selfie case was miles away from the original intention of the legislator? Do you believe that this was… Continue Reading


Animal and intellectual property laws

“I find that the guardians of the monkey are correct: Naruto owns his photo”. A peer’s conclusion caught my attention and makes me wonder if animals can have copyrights? Slater is a British Wildlife photographer so I would here make reference to the… Continue Reading