Software Quality and Software Testing

“Therefore, it is very crucial to have tests in place so that these are run after each change, and the developer will have peace of mind that other functionalities were not affected by the changes.”

The above statement caught my attention. We have been discussing that how important is to cope with the changes. Do you think spiral model best accommodates that due to the risk analysis after each loop?

I agree software testing has a great impact on the software quality. “An effective and efficient testing will provide timely visibility into the quality and readiness of the system and its input artifacts that is necessary to enable effective decision making throughout the SDLC.” (Khan, 2104)


Khan, M.E. and Khan, F. (2014) Importance of Software Testing in Software Development Life Cycle. Available at: https://www.ijcsi.org/papers/IJCSI-11-2-2-120-123.pdf (Accessed: 6 September 2017)


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