Software Quality and System Complexity

“The difficulty of ensuring all the quality aspects of a software is proportional with the complexity of the system.” I agree with the above statement. Not only quality but costs involved are also related to the software complexity. If a code is… Continue Reading


Software Quality

The entire project team should ensure the software quality and not only the developers. In my opinion, the quality of the software is directly proportional to the quality of the collaboration amongst the entire team. High-quality teamwork is considered a crucial… Continue Reading



We so often in our day to day life use the term “dependable computer system”. Dependability has four properties that come together to make a system reliable. The four dependability properties are: Availability Reliability Safety Security The “Availability” of a… Continue Reading


Project Management

Project management is a crucial part of any software development project. Managing intangible entities like software is a difficult task. Other projects where the product is visible for instance, a civil engineering project, the structure, and the defective parts can be… Continue Reading


Socio-Technical Systems

Socio-technical systems (STS) are complex systems comprising of social and technical aspect and both of these hold significance. Risk management in these systems is a difficult task. As with large and critical system upfront documentation and analysis is a must… Continue Reading


Agile methods Vs Plan-driven development

It is not a straight word answer to choose one as the best option when comparing agile methods with plan-driven development approach. The circumstances and the scenario around the project direct the selection of the best methodology. Agile methods are… Continue Reading